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You Rescued Us

Verse 1
Heaven's light breaking through
Turning night to day
It's a new beginning
Love has come, hope has dawned
Driving fears away
It's a new beginning

Repeat Verse 1

Pre Chorus 1
Your mercy reached into the darkest night to find us
Your blood has freed us from the curse of sin that bound us
Your truth delivered us from all the lies that held us down
When we were overwhelmed

Oh, out of the darkness You rescued us
You have rescued us
Oh, into the light of Your love for us
Lord, You rescued us

Verse 2
Here we stand, held by grace
Knowing every day
Is a new beginning
All we need, found in You
Love has made a way  
It's a new beginning

Pre Chorus 2
No sorrow deep enough to crush the hope within us
No mountain big enough to block the path before us
No power strong enough to take us from Your mighty hand  
For You have overcome

Repeat Chorus

Chord :

Author Stuart Townend
Genre Modern
Theme Anugerah Dan Pengampunan
Tempo Cepat
Key A
Tag Kingsway