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Joy Is In This Place

Chorus 1
Dance, dance, everybody dance
Everybody sing for joy is in this place now
Dance, dance everybody dance
Everybody sing for joy is in this place now

Amazing grace ,how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see!

Chorus 2
Shout, shout everybody shout
Everybody sing for joy is in this place
Shout, shout everybody shout
Everybody sing for joy is in this place now

Chord :

Chorus 1
D              G
Dance, dance, everybody dance
Em7                 G    
Everybody sing for joy is in this place now
D              G
Dance, dance everybody dance
Em7                  G
Everybody sing for joy is in this place now

Em7               D/F#
Amazing grace ,how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
Em7                D/F#
I once was lost but now am found
C             A
Was blind but now I see!

Chorus 2
D            G
Shout, shout everybody shout
Em7                  G
Everybody sing for joy is in this place
D             G
Shout, shout everybody shout
Em7                 G
Everybody sing for joy is in this place now

Author Tim Hughes
Genre Modern
Theme Pengagungan
Tempo Cepat
Key D
Tag Kingsway